Each year, National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week (NLPPW) is a call to bring together individuals, organizations, industry, and tribal, state and local governments to raise awareness of lead poisoning prevention and reduce childhood exposure to lead. Lead is particularly dangerous to children because their growing bodies absorb more lead and are more sensitive to lead […]

Rhode Island Schools’ Lead Testing

Please view Environment America Research and Policy Center’s map presenting links and/or summaries of schools’ lead testing data across the United States Get the Lead Out | Environment America Research and Policy Center (environmentamericacenter.org) Rhode Island is listed as: Test results of schools’ water can be found on the state Department of Health website. While the […]

Rhode Island’s Collaboration with the Attorney General on Lead Poisoning Prevention Laws

RI DOH, in collaboration with the Attorney General’s office, filed five more cases on July 12th against uncooperative landlords renting apartments or single-family homes that do not have a current Certificate of Lead Conformance. In total since the fall of 2021, this effort has led to the filing of 17 lawsuits against landlords who have […]

New Lead Water Supply Legislation in Rhode Island

Rhode Island’s Senate passed legislation (S-2765) to establish a lead water supply replacement program for public and private service lines and requires disclosure to tenants and buyers of real estate property of the presence of lead service lines. The companion House Bill (H-8153) has been introduced to establish a lead water supply replacement program for […]

Attorney General files lead enforcement lawsuits against four Providence, Rhode Island landlords

PROVIDENCE, R.I. – Attorney General Peter F. Neronha announced today that the Office has filed lawsuits against four separate Providence landlords for noncompliance with state lead poisoning prevention laws. All of the lawsuits involve properties where significant lead hazards were found in a lead-poisoned child’s home. In the lawsuits, filed in Providence County Superior Court, […]

AG Neronha Suing Providence Landlords Over Lead Hazards in Homes of Lead-Poisoned Children

March 13, 2022/RINewsToday Attorney General files lead enforcement lawsuits against four Providence landlords Attorney General Peter F. Neronha announced today that his office has filed lawsuits against four separate Providence landlords for noncompliance with state lead poisoning prevention laws. All of the lawsuits involve properties where significant lead hazards were found in a lead-poisoned child’s […]

Civil Rights Complaint Draws Attention to the Discriminatory Impacts of Common Lead Pipe Replacement Practice

Jennifer Ortega, Research Analyst, Environmental Health This past Wednesday, Rhode Island’s Childhood Lead Action Project (CLAP) led a coalition of groups in submitting a civil rights complaint to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) against the Providence Water Supply Board (Providence Water), pursuant to the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The administrative complaint highlights the discriminatory effects […]