Maine Lead and Asbestos Hazard Prevention Program Update

The State of Maine Department of Environmental Protection (MEDEP), Bureau of Remediation and Waste Management (BRWM), Lead and Asbestos Hazard Prevention Program (LAHPP) conduct training, contractor monitoring, and enforce the requirements for lead-based paint abatement activities. This program includes licensure, training accreditation, permitting, compliance inspections, and enforcement in pre-1978 target housing and child-occupied facilities.

The LAHPP operates under the regulatory authority provided by the Maine Solid Waste Management Rules: Lead Management Regulations, 06-096 C.M.R. ch. 424 (Chapter 424). Chapter 424 was recently updated and became effective in October 2021. The changes were primarily needed to bring Maine’s rules into agreement with USEPA regulations. Chapter 424 provides the regulatory framework for lead abatement work practices in Maine. MEDEP’s LAHPP oversees licensing of lead abatement contractors, consultants, and training providers. The certification of abatement contractors and compliance monitoring of their work practices are the primary mission of Maine’s LAHPP.