On October 28, 2021, EPA released the draft Strategy to Reduce Lead Exposures and Disparities in U.S. Communities (Lead Strategy) for public comment. The agency is seeking input from communities affected by lead contamination through virtual workshops nationwide. The sessions will be held in the evening, starting at 6:00 PM-8:30PM to allow an opportunity for the public to fully participate and provide verbal input on the draft Lead Strategy to EPA. EPA encourages the public to share with the Agency thoughts on how to address lead issues in their communities during these regional sessions (e.g., Northeast, Southwest, Mid-Atlantic, etc.).
Registration will be required to attend each session. There is a maximum participant number of 1,000 for the ZoomGOV platform, so please click below to register today for Region 1’s session on March 8, 2022:
When you register, you will also have an opportunity to sign up to provide verbal comments. Interpretation and disability access support will be provided. If you are unable to attend the session that is specific to your geographic area, EPA encourages you to register for another regional session that better fits your schedule.
To learn more about the draft Lead Strategy and the dates and times of the other public listening sessions, please visit:
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