Attorney General files lead enforcement lawsuits against four Providence, Rhode Island landlords

PROVIDENCE, R.I. – Attorney General Peter F. Neronha announced today that the Office has filed lawsuits against four separate Providence landlords for noncompliance with state lead poisoning prevention laws. All of the lawsuits involve properties where significant lead hazards were found in a lead-poisoned child’s home.

In the lawsuits, filed in Providence County Superior Court, the Attorney General is seeking a court order to halt further harmful conduct, remediate lead hazards, provide adequate alternative housing during remediation, and appoint a receiver if the defendants are unwilling to correct the lead violations. The Attorney General also seeks significant monetary penalties of up to $5000 per day that the conduct continues.

As alleged in the complaints, landlords Davian Sanchez; Francis Roldan; Palma Property Manager Corp. owners Persio Quiñonez and Consuelo Nunez; and Tellez Investment, Inc. owner Carlos Tellez, have – to date – failed to remediate lead violations identified by the Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH), even though lead-poisoned children reside in the properties.

Under state law, following a property inspection by RIDOH, landlords are given multiple opportunities to correct lead hazard violations before the Attorney General may file an enforcement action.

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