2018 New Hampshire Lead Exposure Data Brief

The Healthy Homes and Lead Poisoning Prevention Program (HHLPPP) works to address the risk of lead poisoning and other health and safety issues that stem from the home environment. As part of this mission, the HHLPPP is mandated to collect the data on blood lead levels of children and adults across the state in order […]

Next Phase of NH’s Recent Changes to State’s Lead Laws: Effective July 1, 2019

The signing of NH Senate Bill (SB) 247 by Governor Sununu on February 9, 2018, represented a major step forward in protecting New Hampshire children from lead poisoning.  This legislation brought a number of changes effective April 9, 2019, including requiring Universal blood lead level testing of all 1 year olds and 2 year olds.  Testing of […]

Happy National Public Health Week!

Today is the first day of National Public Health Week! Each year, public health professionals around the country use this week to recognize the contributions of public health and highlight issues that are important to improving our nation’s health. Today’s theme is Healthy Communities. People’s health, longevity and well-being are connected to their communities — […]

8th Annual New Hampshire Healthy Homes Conference

The 8th Annual New Hampshire Healthy Homes Conference was held Tuesday, October 23 at the Grappone Center in Concord. This year’s conference focused on “building partnerships between health, housing, safety, energy, and family service providers” and over 200 participants attended the day-long event.  Sessions topics covered a wide range of healthy homes topics, including safe gun […]

New England-Wide Google Ad Campaign

The New England Lead Coordination Committee (NELCC) ran a Google Ads campaign from April 26 through June 30, 2018, driving traffic to the home buyer’s page on the New England Lead website. The campaign was run on both Google Search and Display networks. Google search advertisements appear as high-level results when a user does a Google search […]

EPA Region 1 Focuses Efforts to Prevent Childhood Lead Poisoning in the NH and ME Seacoast Area

In 2018, EPA Region 1 will focus part of its lead-based paint outreach, compliance monitoring, and enforcement activities in the New Hampshire and Maine Seacoast Area.  The cities of Portsmouth, New Hampshire and Portland, Maine, like many in the Northeast, have some of the oldest housing in the United States and both areas are experiencing […]

New Hampshire Legislative Updates

In February 2018, New Hampshire RSA 130-A was updated to incorporate modifications brought about by Senate Bill (SB) 247. Changes include: Lowering the blood lead level to 3 micrograms per deciliter (μg/dL) at which the HHLPPP notifies both parent and property owner of children under the age of six of the child’s blood lead elevation Implementing […]