The U.S. EPA and NHDES created the Protect Your Tap: 10-Minute Lead Test, an online guide that walks homeowners through a series of steps to see if they have lead pipes bringing water into their home, how to reduce their exposure to lead, and how to get their water tested.
The City of Portsmouth implemented a Lead & Copper Corrosion Control Program in 2003 and has been in compliance requirements since its inception. Recent sampling conducted in 2020 of 31 taps throughout the Portsmouth water system resulted in only four locations with measurable concentrations of lead and 27 locations with no lead detected.
The general purpose of the Lead & Copper Corrosion Control Program is to minimize the potential for water supplied by the City to leach potentially harmful metals such as lead and copper from pipes, fixtures and solder containing lead. The primary source of lead and copper in drinking water is plumbing systems in houses and other privately owned buildings. The City of Portsmouth water supply sources do not contain measurable quantities of lead.
The summary of the lead and copper compliance testing results and sampling schedule for the Portsmouth Water System can be found here.
If you would like to share the guide with your community, please contact Amy Rousseau at (603) 271-0893 or for more information.